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11 Apr 2024

Top 10 places to see and visit in Prague, Czech Republic


Among the many cities of Europe, there is, perhaps, one that is fundamentally different from the others. Prague is covered in a mysterious haze of the Middle Ages and magic. Everyone who visits the Czech capital ones, certainly wants to go back there. Magic? No more no less! Let's take a look at the Top 10 places to visit in Prague, maybe after all we can reveal the secret of the magic spell of this city?

  1. Prague Castle


Prague Castle was a seat of power for kings of Bohemia in the past, today it's the official residence of the President of the Czech Republic and one of the most visited tourist attractions of the country.

The first fortress on this site was built around the year 970. Subsequently, the castle was repeatedly completed and rebuilt, as a result an amazing structure appeared with samples of the leading architectural styles of the last millennium. On the territory of the castle complex are many of the most popular tourist attractions in Prague, including St. Vitus Cathedral, St. George's Basilica, the Powder Tower, the Old Royal Palace and Golden Lane. Prague Castle is the largest medieval castle in use in the world.

And, of course, the Prague Castle, like any other castle, has its own ghosts. According to the legend, in one of the old good days the White ghost appeared to one ringer of St. Vitus Cathedral, a drunkard, who severely reprimanded him for his destructive passion. The ringer woke up completely gray and quit drinking. Would you believe that?

  1. Golden Lane


Golden Lane is one of the symbols of the city with the well-preserved spirit of the Middle Ages. The appearance of the street is characterized by dwarf two-story houses built into the arches of the former fortress wall, where in the house number 22 the writer Franz Kafka used to live and work for a few years. However, this street became known because of the other reason.

Legends say that in the era of the knights this place was called the "Black Hole". In two-story houses lived and worked obsessed with the thought of a philosopher's stone warlocks and alchemists, who were considered sorcerers and patrons of evil. Of course, historians deny this, claiming that this street was originally called this way because the homeowners were simple chasers replenishing the royal treasury with gold coins.

  1. St. Vitus Cathedral


The temple was built for nearly 600 years (1344-1929), it went down in history as the most famous long-term construction. Today it is the residence of the Prague Archbishop and the main cathedral of the capital. It will take several hours to explore the temple, the royal tomb located in it. The beauty of Gothic architecture, stained-glass windows comparable to works of art, the special atmosphere of the prayed place will excite the memory of the traveller for a long time to come. Some people claim that in the evening, leaving the temple, you can feel that you are back in the XV century. To verify the validity of this statement is easy: to see the cathedral by your own eyes.

  1. The Charles Bridge


The magnificent Charles Bridge is one of the most recognizable ancient bridges in Europe. The length of the structure is 520 meters. The history of the bridge, built in 1357, is associated with many superstitions. Even the first stone of the bridge was laid on July 9 at exactly 5 hours 31 minutes. The builders believed in numerology and that the numbers 135797531 (date and time) would give the structure an additional fortress. Moreover, the building is "tied" to the tomb of St. Vitus and the position of the sun at the equinox.

Besides, the bridge is famous for its ancient statues. The most famous figures worth mentioning are the statue of Charles IV, emperor of the Holy Roman Empire, and the sculpture of the most respected Czech saint John of Nepomuk, established in 1683.

The bridge offers excellent views on the Vltava River and the Gothic tower-gate, located on both sides of the Charles Bridge.

  1. Old Town Square


Old Town Square is the heart of the Old Town. Many historical buildings and monuments are placed here, such as the figure of Jan Hus, the national hero of the Czech Republic, St. Nicholas Church, Church of Our Lady before Týn, Kinský Palaceand Old Town Hall with Prague astronomical clock. Every hour, crowds of tourists "armed" with cameras gather under the clock. With the battle of the clock, the performance begins: 12 Apostles pass in front of the audience, and from the opening windows appear alternately Panache, Greed, Voluptuousness and Death. According to one of the local legends if the chimes stop forever, the whole Czech Republic will face great misfortune. If the chimes break, but can be repaired, a bad year will come ahead.

The Old Town Square is always lively: musicians play, artists perform, horse-drawn carriages are waiting, tourists are sitting in numerous cafes. By the way, the symbolic "zero point" also starts from here.

  1. Church of Our Lady before Tyn


The Church of Our Lady before Tyn is one of the most recognizable buildings in Prague. The church is usually called the Tyn Church. You won't confuse anything with 80-meter spiers from the opposite building facades (each supports four smaller spiers) and its entrance portal. The original Tyn Church was built in the XV century, but in the following centuries it was repeatedly rebuilt.

The church has a lot to see, including numerous tombs, an excellent northern Gothic portal with the famous crucifix, an altar of 1649 in the early Baroque style and one of the best European organs (XVII century).

  1. The Petrin Lookout Tower


The 63-meter Petrin Lookout Tower was named after the hill on top of which it's built. Many people say that the Petrin Lookout Tower itself is a miniature copy of the Paris Eiffel. Although it's five times smaller in height than its French prototype, the tower on the mountain seems larger than it actually is.

The original structure was built in 1891 from old railways. In the 1930s, the tower was moved to Petrin Hill and already at a new location, it became one of the main attractions of Prague. You can climb to the observation tower either on foot, making a half-hour ascent to the top of Petrin Hill or by the funicular. But view and reward worth themselves.

  1. Clementinum and the National Library


Clementinum is one of the largest complexes of historical buildings in Europe. Currently, the complex houses the National Library of the Czech Republic. Beautiful baroque buildings were once part of the Jesuit College, and a little later became the repository of Jesuit books, including from Carolinum. Soon after the expulsion of the Jesuits, Clementinum became the property of the state, and in 1782 became a public library. The Clementinum collection contains over six million volumes, including copies of all books ever published in the Czech Republic.

  1. Dancing House


Although we mentioned before the well-preserved Middle Aged spirit in Prague as the main feature of the city, we can't deny but accept the fact that little by little city changes itself and new outstanding buildings appear to change a surface of the city. One of them is the Dancing House - a unique creation of architects Frank Gehry and Vlado Malunic. The house is characterized by a peculiar style of execution and miniature dimensions. Currently, the House has offices, and the rooftop restaurant La Perle de Prague with city views. It's worth to come and at least to take a picture that compares old and new Prague.

  1. Lennon Wall


The Lennon Wall appeared in Prague in the 1980s, shortly after the assassination of the former Beatle and peace fighter John Lennon. Although the police tried to prevent The Beatles fans from drawing graffiti and writing slogans dedicated to the deceased star on the wall near Charles Bridge, they did not succeed. Instead of destroyed inscriptions and drawings, new ones appeared. They appear to this day. It is worth considering that Czechoslovakia, which at that time included the Czech Republic, was still under the rule of the Communists, and the Lennon wall became a symbol of hope for the inhabitants of Prague. Especially a lot of people gather at the Lennon wall on the anniversary of the death of the singer.

We hope, you enjoyed 10 Top Places to See in Prague and could actually feel that magic in the air that city spreads on tourist. Although, you don't we might remind you that magic happens only with those who believe in it!

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